Mar 18, 2024

Why Does Fibroblast Failure Crepe The Skin?

Crepe Skin

You may have thought collagen and elastin were the primary reason for crepey skin. Well, you’re not entirely wrong. But it’s only part of the story. 

And there’s always two sides to a story.

What truly causes the loss of these two proteins is rarely a topic for conversation. And without it, we don’t have the missing jigsaw piece to solve the puzzle. Our skin aging mystery remains unsolved.

It’s time to peel back the layers and uncover the truth behind crepey skin. Learn about fibroblast failure to finally find skincare success.

What are Fibroblasts?

Think of connective tissue as the glue that holds your body together. It’s like the framework that keeps everything in place. Fibroblasts are special cells found within this connective tissue. They’re like the workers responsible for maintaining and repairing this framework.

When you get a cut or injury, fibroblasts spring into action to help fix it. They’re like the repair crew rushing to patch things up. Their job is crucial for ensuring that the connective tissue stays strong. Holding your body together effectively.

Fibroblasts produce two important proteins: elastin and collagen. Elastin helps your skin stretch and bounce back. Collagen provides strength and structure. Together, they keep your skin firm and healthy.

Besides skin, they also support other parts of your body such as tendons and ligaments. They’re like builders ensuring that these structures remain strong and functional.

Overall, fibroblasts play a pivotal role in the health of your skin and its appearance. In fact, the connection between fibroblasts and skin aging was first discovered almost 50 years ago (1).

What is Fibroblast Failure?

As we age, our fibroblasts can get a little lazy. And all the important duties they do, don’t get done as well as they once did.

With less of these proteins, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. And that’s when we start to see the classic tell-tale signs of aging appear. Wrinkles, sagging and of course, crepey skin.

It’s becoming more clear that aging skin is largely caused by the build up of old fibroblast cells in the skin (2). Research indicates a decline in the skin’s ability to regenerate. And this advances the aging process of the skin (3).

Essentially fibroblasts get sloppy with their workload. And this ages the skin because it’s not getting the same level of support or repair as before.

How to Smooth Crepey Skin

It’s all well and good knowing about fibroblast failure. But not so great if you don’t know how to get rid of unwanted crepey skin. But thankfully, with this knowledge comes power. The power to fight back against the skin signs of aging.

When we see the skin begin to sag, wrinkle or become crepey, we know where to point the finger. And it’s at our lazier fibroblasts.

We know we don’t need collagen cream or skincare products that only touch the surface. We need to go deep. Deeper than the wrinkles and crinkles.

It’s all about encouraging the fibroblasts to get back to work. It’s time to regain control and become the boss. All so you can finally have skin that looks tight, firm and smooth again.

What is Ribose?

Ribose is a type of sugar molecule essential for energy production in cells. Sugar gets a bad rep but with ribose and your skin, there’s nothing sweeter.

Ribose energizes your fibroblasts. Giving them the kick they need to get back to work. Producing more collagen and elastin. What your skin needs to transform from loose and crepey, to tight and smooth. And it doesn’t just stop there.

Ribose is a holy grail for wrinkle prevention too. It can help limit the breakdown of tissues, making results permanent and long lasting. Everything we need to feel at home in our own skin again.

Ribose becomes a triple threat against fibroblast failure with these two sidekick ingredients.

  • Grape Seed Oil

Grape seed oil stimulates collagen production. It also increases the moisture in your skin, enhancing its ability to snap back. The added bonus is that it can even out skin tone, hyperpigmentation and dark spots. 

  • Fractionated Coconut Oil

As we age, the skin needs more hydration, not moisturization. It’s essential to keep the skin free of crepiness and wrinkles. Using fractionated coconut oil soothes, smooths and softens skin all over the body. Making crepey and creased skin a thing of the past.

How to Fix Fibroblast Failure

Save yourself the hassle of hunting down these individual ingredients with Advanced Crepe Fix. Including this triple threat combination of ingredients to make your life easier. Everything you need to fix fibroblast failure. Boosting collagen, elastin and hydration to your skin.

Correct thin, crepey skin anywhere on the body. All by helping restore health to your fibroblasts. Giving your skin everything it needs to smooth, firm and hydrate.

Meaning you can say goodbye to crepey skin for good. No more covering up problem areas or feeling older than your years. Feel confident and love the skin you are in again.

From Fibroblast Failure to Fibroblast Success

When fibroblast failure begins to sabotage our youth, it’s time to show these cells who is boss. Fibroblasts may fail as we age, but we can still have skin success.

Dry, rough and crepey skin can kill confidence. Making us feel self conscious and insecure. But we don’t have to put up with it. Boost the production of your fibroblasts and fall in love with your skin again.

When your fibroblasts work their very best, you’ll look and feel your very best. So say no more slacking to your fibroblasts with Advanced Crepe Fix. And watch slack skin fade away.




Written by: Admin